Regular grooming routine that involves

2.4. Excess of meat and oils are also not good for your pet’s health. Here’s listing a few tips to keep your pet safe this rain season1. Cold, cough and pneumonia are a few of the most common culprits. Regular baths with antiseptic shampoo takes care of ticks and fleas during monsoon. While taking pets out avoid waterlogged areas as they might be infested with mosquitoes. Regular grooming routine that involves, brushing, clipping of nails and routine check-ups is also very important. Avoid long grass so that there can be no tick infestation..While the rain makes everything look beautiful, one cannot deny that sometimes our furry friends need maybe that little bit more attention during the downpour. Avoid getting your pets wet and try keeping them dry as much as possible.5. Some pets are afraid of thunderstorms and lightning, make sure you have something to calm them down during monsoon. Clean water and food are very important while dirty water may lead to jaundice. Their diet during monsoon should primarily consist of fibre-rich food. Dogs suffer from itchy skin while cats develop respiratory problems.6.3. The weather during the rainy season can cause a lot of infections for pets. China RIGID PVC FLOCKING SHEET FOR THEROFORMING Factory A chewy toy they absolutely love, a safe place where they feel secured or a vet prescribed medication can do wonders. Taking care of the pet’s diet during monsoons is very important.

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