PM Modi further reiterated that providing drinking

“Can we free India from single-use plastic? Can we take the first step towards this on October 2? I invite industries and start-ups to help recycle plastic,” he said.For the “Naya Bharat” formation, students wearing blue dresses represented the text of the phrase (in Hindi) and those wearing white stood in coordinated fashion to make the plain background.The spectators were filled with enthusiasm when Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at the Red Fort and unfurled the national flag on the occasion of the 73rd Independence Day. The Prime Minister got off his car along with the security personnel and shook hands with the kids who were dressed in white, green and saffron..The most important takeaway for children and teachers at the Red Fort from PM Modi’s speech was the message to conserve water. Besides, a large number of the NCC cadets were also present there.Once again breaking the protocol, Mr Modi followed his ritual and met the elated students after delivering his speech.A number of children, wholesale China PVC sheets who had come to the Red Fort to hear Mr Modi’s Independence Day address, stayed back to collect the plastic waste, cups, and banana peels strewn around the venue after the event, setting an example for others to follow while many returned home with the Prime Minister’s message to cut down on plastic use.

PM Modi further reiterated that providing drinking water to all remains a priority. During his address, PM Modi appealed to the people to take a pledge on October 2 to make the country free of single-use plastic.PM Modi stayed consistent with his turban but experimented with the design.Adjoining the formation and facing the ramparts of the 17th century Mughal monument was another formation in which students depicted a fluttering tricolour. People from all walks of life have to be integrated in this movement,” he said. This time, he was seen sporting a Rajasthani turban and was dressed in a white kurta-pyjama.New Delhi: Sporting the theme of unity, diversity, and patriotism while wearing the traditional attire of their respective states and filled with the spirit of celebrating 73rd Independence Day, scores of denizens sported the national colours on Thursday, braving humid weather and mild showers which left the ground soggy and muddy.” “Naya Bharat” or “New India” is a byword used by Prime Minister Modi to signify the “new, aspirational and prosperous India” that his government seeks to build.After unfurling the national flag, PM Modi delivered his sixth consecutive speech, which lasted for nearly 92 minutes.Many schools had sent different number of students for the function and the total number of students was quite huge. It cannot become a mere government programme.Scores of girl students from various schools made a coordinated formation of “Naya Bharat.“The movement towards water conservation has to take place at the grassroots level.

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water

Cook lasagna sheets in boiling water for eight minutes.Bake in oven for 25 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.Cover with foil: to prevent sticking, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.Kawal Malhotra, designer and socialite shares her favourite recipe Chicken LasagnaIngredientsHalf kg ground chicken1/2 chopped minced onion3 cloves garlic, crushedA few crushed tomatoes that can be tomato pureed and half cup tomato sauceSome dried basil, oregano, parsley, salt and black pepper for seasoning according to taste12 lasagna sheets1 cup ricotta cheese, 1 cup mozzarella cheese and 1 cup grated parmesan cheese.

MethodIn a pan cook ground chicken, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned.Spread some ricotta cheese and minced meat or chicken over the noodles and keep repeating the layers.Spoon meat sauce over mozzarella and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.To assemble, spread one and half cup wholesale plastic pet sheets of spaghetti sauce (I use Ragu) at the bottom of a baking dish.— as told to Namita Gupta. Arrange sheets lengthwise over sauce.Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, and some water.Cool for 15 minutes before serving. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.Top with shredded mozzarella cheese.Season with salt, basil, Italian seasoning, pepper, and two tbsp parsley and simmer, keeping it covered, for about half an hour, stirring occasionally. Remove foil and bake an additional 25 minutes so the cheese looks crusty.

I appeal to you not to use low

The Prime Minister appealed to the people to adopt the legacy of yoga and create a healthy, happy and harmonious nation."The theme this year is beat plastic pollution. It is a result of change in weather pattern," he said in his monthly Mann ki baat radio address. The climate pattern led to the loss of life and property. But does empty talk bring about any solutions? Being sensitive towards nature, protecting nature, should come naturally to us; these virtues should be embedded in our sanskar (culture)," the Prime Minister said."On this environment day, let all of us give it a good thought as to what we can do to make our planet cleaner and greener.Quoting an ancient text, he said practicing yogic exercises on a regular basis leads to imbibing benefic attributes which stand by our side like relatives and friends. The practice of yoga leads to building up of courage, which always protects us like a father. Planting saplings is not enough, people should ensure that they care for a plant till it becomes a tree, Modi said."Whenever we face a torrid summer, or floods, incessant rains or unbearable cold, China HIGH QUALITY VELVET FLOCKING PVC SHEET everybody becomes an expert, analysing global warming and climate change.He said India was proud to host the World Environment Day this year, which is a major achievement for the country.

I appeal to you not to use low grade plastic and polythene and understand the importance of the theme.He said when the country speaks of climate justice or plays a major role in the Cop21 and Paris agreements or when it unites the whole world through the medium of International Solar Alliance, they all are rooted in fulfilling the dream of Mahatma Gandhi.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the people to shun low-grade plastic and polythene, saying it was creating a negative impact on the environment, wildlife and the health of the people.. The recent dust storms accompanied by rains were unseasonal. Modi also referred to the International Yoga Day on June 21."Protecting environment and being sensitive towards nature should come naturally. What innovative things can we do," he said. It, he said, was an acknowledgment of Indias efforts to lead the world in reducing the effects of climate change. It (use of plastic) leaves a negative impact on our nature, the wildlife and our health," Modi said. The practice of yoga leads to germination of a sense of forgiveness in the same manner as a mother has for her children and mental peace becomes our permanent friend, Modi said.PM Modi also asked the people to observe the World Environment Day on June 5 with vigour, and that it was time to concentrate on tree plantation.