Plocka upp is Swedish for

So it is that a movement of sorts is slowly building up against, first, single-use plastic products (disposable bottles, straws, cups, etc), second, the drastic reduction of waste from households (requiring people to put pressure on purveyors to use less packaging, which is especially an issue in several Western countries, and more environmentally friendly packaging where necessary), and third, to recycle wherever possible.On the second day, the volunteer agonises mainly about food; but there’s more to come.By arrangement with Dawn. Yet when the big picture is put together — and there are, thankfully, many concerned individuals and organisations working on this — one of the biggest scourges of our times is plastic trash.This year, Earth Hour was marked on March 24 with millions of people around the globe turning off non-essential electric lights for an hour as a sign of commitment to rejuvenate the planet. When invented, it was hailed as a great step forward for humanity’s convenience — and it was. Could it possibly get any worse?One in six species is at the risk of extinction due to climate change, says the WWF

‘Plocka upp is Swedish for ‘pick up which combined with the universal word ‘jogging results in the term ‘plogging, it said."On June 1, the Embassy of Sweden and Ploggers of India together with the Delegation of the European Union to India (EUD) and other EU Embassies will get together for a plogging event," the EU delegation said in a statement here..Plogging is a Swedish workout trend which combines jogging with picking up waste.Thereafter, on June 5, the EUD and the embassies of the European Union Member States will announce and adopt a ‘Green Pledge aimed at eliminating the use of single-use plastic products, saving energy and water resources and managing waste.In this years theme, a conference on sharing best practices on plastic waste management will be held on June 1 at Vigyan Bhawan.This event will focus on combating plastic pollution PS SHEET PINK and reducing plastic footprint across the EU Member states.New Delhi: The Delegation of the European Union to India and EU member states will organise a series of green initiatives here to mark the World Environment Day this year with the theme being ‘Beat Plastic Pollution, officials said on May 31.

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