The Prime Minister appealed to the people to adopt the legacy of yoga and create a healthy, happy and harmonious nation."The theme this year is beat plastic pollution. It is a result of change in weather pattern," he said in his monthly Mann ki baat radio address. The climate pattern led to the loss of life and property. But does empty talk bring about any solutions? Being sensitive towards nature, protecting nature, should come naturally to us; these virtues should be embedded in our sanskar (culture)," the Prime Minister said."On this environment day, let all of us give it a good thought as to what we can do to make our planet cleaner and greener.Quoting an ancient text, he said practicing yogic exercises on a regular basis leads to imbibing benefic attributes which stand by our side like relatives and friends. The practice of yoga leads to building up of courage, which always protects us like a father. Planting saplings is not enough, people should ensure that they care for a plant till it becomes a tree, Modi said."Whenever we face a torrid summer, or floods, incessant rains or unbearable cold, China HIGH QUALITY VELVET FLOCKING PVC SHEET everybody becomes an expert, analysing global warming and climate change.He said India was proud to host the World Environment Day this year, which is a major achievement for the country.
I appeal to you not to use low grade plastic and polythene and understand the importance of the theme.He said when the country speaks of climate justice or plays a major role in the Cop21 and Paris agreements or when it unites the whole world through the medium of International Solar Alliance, they all are rooted in fulfilling the dream of Mahatma Gandhi.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the people to shun low-grade plastic and polythene, saying it was creating a negative impact on the environment, wildlife and the health of the people.. The recent dust storms accompanied by rains were unseasonal. Modi also referred to the International Yoga Day on June 21."Protecting environment and being sensitive towards nature should come naturally. What innovative things can we do," he said. It, he said, was an acknowledgment of Indias efforts to lead the world in reducing the effects of climate change. It (use of plastic) leaves a negative impact on our nature, the wildlife and our health," Modi said. The practice of yoga leads to germination of a sense of forgiveness in the same manner as a mother has for her children and mental peace becomes our permanent friend, Modi said.PM Modi also asked the people to observe the World Environment Day on June 5 with vigour, and that it was time to concentrate on tree plantation.
Megosztás a facebookonRohit Joshi, a Thane-based activist said, “The police used to confiscate lighter or inflammatory products, liquors and plastic which it suspected would be discarded or used in eco-sensitive areas. We used to help the police and forest department to create awareness and clear the litter in the forest.”This year, the police deployed around 80 personnel to carry out vigilance in the forest area.Mumbai: For the first time, Gatari (day before beginning of Shravan) revellers did not PVC sheets manufacturers litter the verdant Yeoor hills, said forest officials and the Thane police. Thanks to the awareness and strict vigilance carried out by Thane police and a few NGOs over the past few years, not a single plastic or liquor bottle was found in the Yeoor forest this time around, said police.”
Mr Joshi said he was thrilled to see that not a single plastic or liquor bottle was found in the Yeoor forest area this time. Many people come here on long drives and throw empty liquor bottles and plastic waste that are harmful for the environment.Pradeep Giridhar, senior police inspector, Vartak Nagar police station, said, “Earlier during Gatari, we used to recover discarded bottles in the Yeoor forest area enough to fill up four to five huge bags. Locals from nearby villages, too, have got injured by these broken bottles.Every year, revellers from different areas of Thane and Mumbai visit the eco-sensitive Yeoor hills and indulge in drinking and noisy celebrations, littering the place with plastic.Three years ago, the police, along with Thane-based activists, initiated a Green Gatari, where it discouraged visitors from entering eco-sensitive areas and littering them.
Megosztás a facebookonSo it is that a movement of sorts is slowly building up against, first, single-use plastic products (disposable bottles, straws, cups, etc), second, the drastic reduction of waste from households (requiring people to put pressure on purveyors to use less packaging, which is especially an issue in several Western countries, and more environmentally friendly packaging where necessary), and third, to recycle wherever possible.On the second day, the volunteer agonises mainly about food; but there’s more to come.By arrangement with Dawn. Yet when the big picture is put together — and there are, thankfully, many concerned individuals and organisations working on this — one of the biggest scourges of our times is plastic trash.This year, Earth Hour was marked on March 24 with millions of people around the globe turning off non-essential electric lights for an hour as a sign of commitment to rejuvenate the planet. When invented, it was hailed as a great step forward for humanity’s convenience — and it was. Could it possibly get any worse?One in six species is at the risk of extinction due to climate change, says the WWF
‘Plocka upp is Swedish for ‘pick up which combined with the universal word ‘jogging results in the term ‘plogging, it said."On June 1, the Embassy of Sweden and Ploggers of India together with the Delegation of the European Union to India (EUD) and other EU Embassies will get together for a plogging event," the EU delegation said in a statement here..Plogging is a Swedish workout trend which combines jogging with picking up waste.Thereafter, on June 5, the EUD and the embassies of the European Union Member States will announce and adopt a ‘Green Pledge aimed at eliminating the use of single-use plastic products, saving energy and water resources and managing waste.In this years theme, a conference on sharing best practices on plastic waste management will be held on June 1 at Vigyan Bhawan.This event will focus on combating plastic pollution PS SHEET PINK and reducing plastic footprint across the EU Member states.New Delhi: The Delegation of the European Union to India and EU member states will organise a series of green initiatives here to mark the World Environment Day this year with the theme being ‘Beat Plastic Pollution, officials said on May 31.
Megosztás a facebookonIf they don't, then we can't help them," he said. Following a massive crackdown, violent crime is rare and Dharavi has featured in movies, art projects and a Harvard Business School case study.Tens of thousands work as potters, leather tanners, weavers, soap makers, and in Dharavi's massive recycling industry..The colony is abuzz ahead of the Dussehra and Diwali festivals, when decorated pots and lamps are in demand. It is a township, not a slum, and it should be treated as one," he said.Recent plans by city officials envisaged private developers clearing the area and building high-rise flats in which each eligible family gets a free 225 sq ft (21 sq metres) unit.Dozens of such housing blocks have been built over the years, falling into disrepair as facilities were not upgraded.
Across the country, plans to build modern Smart Cities will force tens of thousands of people from their slum homes as planners spruce up central business districts and build metro train lines, activists say."This is where we live, this is where we work. We also want to keep our businesses," he said.For 35 years, Abdullah has carried on the business built by his father, pulverising used plastic cans and bottles into pellets, then selling them to factories to refashion."There are no spaces like this where we can all sit and work.RESIDENTS WANT MORE SAYCity officials last month submitted a new 250 billion rupee ($3. However, residents have opposed many of them, saying they do not consider their interests."All the licensed businesses will have space under the plan.
"We want new flats, but they are small," said Sharada Tape, who earns about 100 rupees ($1."We want development. Creating neat low-income housing estates will not work unless they allow for many of the messy economic and social activities that thrive in slums," China PVC sheets manufacturers he said. The squat tenements are perfectly suited for businesses, with living and sleeping spaces sitting atop work spaces, workers spilling into the alleys, and material stacked outside and on roof tops. The developer in turn gets rights to build commercial space to rent.
Megosztás a facebookonThat’s also where this workshop comes in,” she explains. If they can feel that you are agitated or unhappy, dogs are known to offer support — maybe it’s just a paw on the knee or pulling you to walk slower, they offer emotional support.“Dogs, like cats, have a calming effect on their owners.Samanta, who has had extensive experience in yoga and has even been Jeru’s trainer for the past decade, says that the fact that she has always been a dog-lover at heart, gave her the impetus to do this workshop. “Most of the 45 minutes of yoga will go into meditating exercises, which even the dogs will go along with. So, it was only a matter of time before the canine-loving crowd also got into the game. So this is a great way for them to bond as well as have a calming effect on their owners,” says Jeru Jeejeebhoy, owner of Oliver Pet Care.And now, dog lovers in the city would be delighted to know that a workshop in China 0.07MM-1MM THICKNESS ECO-FRIENDLY COLORFUL PVC RIGID SHEET Factory the city is doing just that.Well, meditative or not, it’s bound to be a bunch of fun!
But, I’m sure that with the pet parents and Jeru around, it won’t be a problem,” she says.The only reservation Samanta has to the workshop is the fact that dogs happen to be territorial creatures. While no one expects all dogs to follow along and do YouTube-worthy yoga tricks, the workshop, which is taking place at Doolally Taproom at Kemps Corner, seeks to calm both pooch and owner.’ I know that for many it’s a difficult thing to do, living busy lives as they do, but spending time bonding with your dogs is absolutely essential and some of it happens through exercise. I’ve never done anything quite like it and I’m definitely looking forward to it,” she says.Indeed, a big part of the exercises will include breathing and meditation for this very purpose. Now, although I don’t have dogs of my own, I remain an ardent dog-lover, so of course, I’m happy to do this course. Oliver Pet Care and yoga trainer Samanta Duggal have come together for this workshop.However, Jeru also expects that there will be a variety of reactions from the furry participants of the class, since, like their human counterparts, they come with varying personalities.The city went gaga just around two months ago when a café in Mumbai introduced a course in yoga with cats. “I had a dog for the first 15 years of my life.“One of my favourite adages is ‘ditch your dogwalker. This will help to calm them down and will be an good for their health overall,” she explains. “There may be some excitement what with so many dogs all packed into the same space. “Some of them may try to copy their owners, some may just be snoozing in the corners, some might even just flop down on the yoga mat and refuse to let their pet parents do any yogasanas,” she laughs, adding that the overall bonding is what she is aiming for.
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